Glad you are having a nice visit
April only agreed to the pic because her baby book required one. Mommy wanting one wasn't good enough but I will take it however I can get it.
You are right about the problem with your dad. When the I don't care mode doesn't work it is time to turn on the "Super Mom & Crazy love hungry daughter" Mode. Leave the kids with the sister in law, Get Bro and dad into the car and drive to the doctor. Tell father you will not take him home until he sees the doctor. If needed cry and get hysterical and plead about how afraid you are that it may spread(which is a possibility) and how you are just now getting over your childhood and you need him to be around so that you can be a family because you really need a family etc.....
Okay so it is manipulative as hell and yes I have no shame and would do this in an instant, but then its not like you are lying and I am sure that like most women if you start going on and imagining worse case senarios you can cry and be hysterical on demand, he will go in just to shut you up and to get out of the public eye as you will be doing this in a public parking lot. Will make the man in him feel better because he is taking care of your fears which might make his go away or at least recede behind the wailing. Use the brother for back up and if you can get him crying and ranting all the better.
Don't know that this is the best advice but it is a fast way to take care of the problem and I am sure he will thank you in the end.
Other alternative is to have the grandkids gang up on him but this requires manipulating the children and him which while fun is more effort and your kids aren't really old enough to truly enjoy it yet.
Love you, Praying for you
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