Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Picture This

Thank you for your words of encouragement, some times I do not feel like I am all that nice. Here is a little something that is sure to make you laugh. Picture this typical Lydia life event. Woke up this morning and hurriedly got myself and the two littlest ones ready for our day. Lindy and Blaze spent the night with their dad last night. I skipped the coffee as I am trying to break my addiction to caffeine. I headed out the door packed the kids in the car to pick up Julie (friend and free cleaning lady ectraordinaire). I was feeling pretty productive as I turned the ignition. Car did not start. Oops, no door handles either. The little Angels broke them off and Daddy has not fixed them yet and Mommy has no clue how to fix them. Climbed into the back seat to escape and discovered that those child locks in the back seat weren't so handy. Didn't see any neighbors I could embarrassingly scream for. Did however have my cell phone so I called the police, who did not even chuckle at the scenario. A few minutes later I was liberated and the officer of the law did not laugh at me and was genuinely concerned about my well being. I then disabled the kid locks. Hooked up the battery charger,brought the kids inside and brewed a pot of coffee.


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