Life Lessons
Life lessons I've learned over the last few days:
Never do anything for a man you don't intend to do for the rest of your life. If you do it once, it automatically become "your job."
Never set mouse traps and then forget where you set them. Tracking down the smell will drive you insane.
Drunks are like small children. You can't let them get away with anything, or you will be putting up with it forever. (Refer to lesson #1 if the drunk is a man.)
As soon as you say you will "never do that again," rest assured that you will be forced to do it again before you can take a breath. (In this case, lesson #1 applies to men, children, and grandchildren.)
Lydia - Explain to Kelly that the same sex parent or parent figure is the single most influential role model any chld has. Does he want the boys to grow up to be slobs? Does he want the girls to grow up thinking their roles in life are to be slaves (sometimes referred to as "mommies") to men?
Mishy and Melisa - Are you still out there?
Brandy - I need about 6 hours in front of a computer with you sitting next to me to write the most inane things we can think of. Right now that sounds like Nervana.
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