Saturday, June 26, 2004

Dona and Brandy - Morning politics

dragonez: Gmail is going for nothing now and the swaps are
kinda humorous

dragonez: I want a personal shrine but that one is already taken

faeriequeene2000: that's funny. surprised no one has offer a first born

dragonez: Haven't seen that, Probably because the new gestapo
would show up at the door

faeriequeene2000: true. the true epidemic in this country is the lack of
a sense of humor.

dragonez: Yes that and politicians, I've been reading way
too much news lately

faeriequeene2000: goes without saying, as it is impossible to be a politician
and have a sense of humor. they have it surgically removed at a young age.

dragonez: Never thought about that

faeriequeene2000: as soon as they have the least little hint that they may want
to go into politics someday, they immediately have the irreversible surgery done.

dragonez: I want to go into politics and I haven't had it

faeriequeene2000: then you'll have to wait for the epidemic to be cured before
you begin your career.

dragonez: Okay

faeriequeene2000: besides, what you really want to do is go around and slap every
stupid person in the country and scream, "Stop being stupid!!" that's
a little different than politics.

dragonez: Les says that's his job

faeriequeene2000: and i would vote for him for that job.

dragonez: Well thank you maam every vote counts you know

faeriequeene2000: If only that were true....

dragonez: It is true if nothing else it is used to show
how bad the electoral college has become

dragonez: You will vote please

dragonez: Just not for shrub

faeriequeene2000: I always vote. If only so I feel I have a right to bitch. If
you don't vote, don't bitch.

dragonez: Good girl

dragonez: Wish everyone would

dragonez: Id rather listen to them all bitch than to shrub lie

faeriequeene2000: i've begun to think most of the country has been slip some sort
of mind altering drug. if you believe polls (which i tend not to) his approval
rating is still very high. i don't understand that at all. if my husband lied
to me this much i would have divorced him long ago.

dragonez: His approval ratings on the ones I read suck

dragonez: They are are scared and Fear is the mindkiller.Which kinda explains
it all

dragonez: Their minds have turned to pink jelly and they are no longer capable
of coherent thought

faeriequeene2000: and they must all never read or watch any sort of news or reports.
they decided on 9/12 to let Daddy take care of the monsters and they don't want
to hear anything except that he's keeping them safe.

dragonez: Like that's possible, personally I think it is
getting very scary here in America, I don't give a rats ass about IRAQ

dragonez: But the fact that they have a new part of the patriot act they are desperately
trying to get through the congress tacked onto other more important bills disturbs
me. My least favorite being the law can consider anyone, citizen or not, as an
enemy combatant and withhold all constitutional right


faeriequeene2000: God bless America

dragonez: Should read the comics on this site some of them
are hysterical

dragonez: Now if only the devil wasn't ruling it.

faeriequeene2000: Does the constitution even exist anymore????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dragonez: It exists but nobody cares

dragonez: did you watch the season finale of charmed

faeriequeene2000: of course.

faeriequeene2000: and i caught the parody.

dragonez: I am reading book 10 in the left behind series
about the rapture and I am sure these religious writers did not intend it

But the anti christ and GW have a lot of the same character traits
. Illusions
of grandeur and self deception being just a few of them

faeriequeene2000: "Fictitious name inserted here to protect actual person"
did his psych ward rotation already at the hospital. you know when someone comes
in and says they are being followed, phones taped, etc. - usually in the civilian
world this means admittance for observation. at a military hospital it means all
such claims have to be investigated, etc. He had a guy come in ranting about the
fbi, cia, etc. turns out he was right. Guy had made a comment about killing bush
or some such and the cia (or some such gov. org.) was following him, tapping his
phones, etc.


dragonez: And they were

faeriequeene2000: Oh yes. They were.

dragonez: They are all so narrow minded

faeriequeene2000: Don't see why people don't see that no matter how afraid you
are, if you strip away the constitution you have lost everything that "America"
is supposed to be. Doesn't that mean the terrorists have won????

dragonez: They have already won if we are living in fear

dragonez: Bush doesn't want to represent America he wants to drag us down to their

faeriequeene2000: I know, but beyond the fear - the fear causes people to sit
back and allow the constitution to be slowly and irreversibly strip away. All
the principle that make this country. To me, this is how the terrorists win the

dragonez: I totally agree but short of a revolution I am
not seeing it come back anytime soon

faeriequeene2000: the superseding of all state and local bans on types of law
enforcement That's from the first link you sent me. I had this sick, perverted
moment of belly laughter at the thought of what the Anthony cops would do with

faeriequeene2000: surveillance activity

faeriequeene2000: forgot that part!

dragonez: That could be a scary thought


Blogger Ying said...

Okay you two, you are on the list now.

11:16 PM  
Blogger Brandy said...

We have been on the list a long time.

11:34 PM  

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