Friday, June 25, 2004

Dona's Memory of Kenzie

this happened when i was at fort riley the first time and Kenzie had just turned 9 months old. she isn't walking yet, but crawling like a speed demon. you have to know her - a ball of spitfire already. always happy, laughing, singing, but very obviously constantly looking for the next bit of mischief. we were all sitting in the front yard and Cj has a tiny 4 wheeler type thing that's battery operated someone gave him a year or two ago for his birthday. it was on the sidewalk. Kenzie took off like a bat out of hell, climbed on it, and took off. Didn't even sit on the seat, but stood up with her feet on each side on the "running boards," pushed the button on the handle and flew down the sidewalk, long red and blonde hair flying, grey eyes large as saucers, and giggling to beat the band.

It gave me hope she will turn out okay despite her mother

needless to say, her mother spent the rest of the day tyring to keep off the thing, while i kept putting her on it and yelling, "Go Kenzie! Go!" as she squealed and shrieked with joy and took off.

Am a cool grandmother or an interfering mother? Somehow I think they aren't mutually exclusive.


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