Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Nothing of Note...

I promised Brandy I would blog this week, so here I am. As she said, I have nothing of note to blog. I have been "unbloggable" for so long, because we have been going through one of those "life is too full" stages and I have been so sick I even volunteered to go to the doctor's, even if he gave me a shot. (This is my one great phobia in life - sharp needles sticking me in the ass, so this statement is a great testament to how bad I have felt.) Of course, I haven't gone to the doctor, but at least I said I would. Up until a couple of weeks ago I was working 5 days and 1 night for my sister, but thank God that has been cut down to one full day and night from open to close (Thursdays). But, in the last couple of weeks I've made 2 trips to Junction City to visit my daughter and the grandkids. Managed to catch some kind of bug from the little ones and with the fybro and CFIDS, I just have no immune system to fight anything off. (I think I'll tell her to sterlize the kids before I return for 4th of July weekend.)
I did make a monumentous (for me) decision in the last two weeks, however. I have decided to put nothing (and no one) before my health. What this boils down to is saying, "No!" when I don't feel well or think whatever the request is will be too much for me. This may sound like a paltry thing to most people, but B will understand just what a big deal it is. I have even gotten off to a great start. Janelle (my daughter) asked me to stay another night when I was up there last and I actually said the big "N" word. My sister asked me to work last Friday night, and I repeated this word again. (Brandy will know what a great leap all this was for me.) I'm either getting old and bitchy, or as B would say I am "evolving," because I've discovered this word is a drug and saying it is quite intoxicating!
Other than that, life has just been full of all the mundane, day-to-day, annoying nonsense that makes us all feel like life sucks and makes us forgot to count the blessings we have. Maybe now that I've actually blogged again, I can work on making it a habit.


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