Lydia is vain and Ranger can bite people and crawl away!
Melisa is alive! Pets and Life Animal shelter on Navigation near animal control will spay and neuter each kitty for $20. It's a good deal, some cats can reproduce at as young as four months so watch out or you will be a grandma. I was intending to chronicle the last few days events but I am feeling much too emotionally drained from them at the moment. Perhaps tonight I may get my second wind and fill you in. Suffice to say that it is about mental illness, self sufficiency, and the purpose of charitable organizations. I may never write it but I feel compelled to. Low carb diet is working, my butt is shrinking as I type or it could just be my imagination. I will run down stairs and try my pre-Ranger jeans on and let you know the verdict. I can pull them up all the way!!! I can almost button them!! Hooray for Lydia!! I don't know what compels me to feel the need to shop in the Juniors department. I really don't. Fear of women's clothing? What kind of phobia would that be I wonder? Since Brandy is preserving this for posterity let it be known that Lydia is vain. In an odd way of course because she is sometimes odd. She doesn't often wear make up and sometimes only brushes her long dark hair just once a day (which is not enough). Her jeans are often half an inch to long and the edges always tattered and thread bare. Has been known to wear shorts without shaving her legs (just plain scary) but is still driven to glance at her reflection at every given opportunity. She especially likes the little mirror on the visor in the truck. I have a lunch date tomorrow or a lunch meeting rather with some church ladies. We will discuss the back to school project which provides clothing and school supplies for children in the custody of Child Protective Services and other children that our local caseworker for Presbyterian Children's Homes and Family services identifies. Wow I just had a moment of brain activity. In B's line of work she may come across a good family that has been evicted (some times people store their stuff when they have no home to put it in right?) or Perhaps someone will give her a really good sob story as to why they cannot pay their storage rent, which would be terrible if it were true. Anyway if you ever hear of a good family that needs a little help. They can call me and I can put them in touch with the right person or agency. I am doing volunteer work for Presbyterian Childrens Homes. I am getting dangerously close writing about the passed few days events so I'll quit for now. I almost forgot this, Ranger started crawling and cut two teeth.
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