Friday, July 23, 2004

Thanks, Patti

Thanks so much, Patti, for taking the time to read, contemplate, and write. Yes, he is a grandchild - the oldest of the 9 grandchildren Darrel and I have between us. I agree with you, that this boy needs lots of love, sprinkled with the proper amount of rules, limits, and discipline.
The ex boyfriend is in the picture, but not living with them. He sees them every other weekend. Unfortunately, as Tracy (the mother) lived with the ex for 2 years, he is the only "Dad" these boys have known. The 7 year old met his real dad once, as he spends more time in prison than out. To this little boy, this ex is his "Dad." The guy is a horrible influence on him, but understandably the boy loves him.
I told Darrel (my hubby) I am more than willing to have the boy here more often, but it's sort of useless to try to lead him in the right direction when his mother just undoes every effort you make. I do understand why she reacts like she does - she's 25, but has the mind and maturity of a 16 year old and lets her "guilt" over what the kids have been through control how she acts and reacts to them. It's understandable, but not acceptable. She is currently talking about putting him an "boys home" and I see this as just another time the boy will feel rejected and abandoned. Which leads to why Darrel mumbles about having him live with us. I know this is the most obvious and most sensible solution, and probably the best one for the child. That's why I feel bad about the fact that I just don't want to raise this (or any other) child, but I also can't lie about how I feel about it. 90% of raising him would fall to me, as I'm at home all day. This is not how I intend to spend my "golden years."
Okay - I'm sick of listening to myself a this point. But, thanks for the comment Patti and feel free to continue!
Brandy - in response to your last blog - I don't want bigger boobs. I just want them back where they were 10 years ago.


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