Doing my penance
Okay - here I am again to blog the mundane details of my life. Keegan returned to the vet's this a.m. This was supposed to happen last week, but the appointment got cancelled twice, due to my last minute trip to KC and then due to the vet's schedule. The vet has decided to wait 3 more weeks to perform the surgery to remove all the wires, cables, staples, and other assorted metal objects in Keegan's head and face. He is healing extremely well, but it has only been 6 weeks since the accident and we want to be sure the bones have all knitted strongly. On the down side, Keegan has become a fat barrel on this canned food! (At least he has an excuse, unlike me.)
My "company" of in-laws, stepchildren, and grandchildren did not appear yesterday, to which I can only say, "Thank God."
Have ordered a new computer, which should arrive by the end of the week and I'm quite excited. As is Brandy, since she has a pile of files saved to send me once I have sound. The new computer will be great, but then I won't have any excuse for not doing eBay again! Oh well - beats going and getting a "real job," I suppose.
Lydia, as B said, I had the same reaction to the Plum books when she handed them to me. I was visiting her in Corpus and politely put them in my trunk and forgot about them. A month or two later, when I had run out of things to read, I decided to pick one up, as it had to be better than the toilet paper wrappings I had been reading out of desperation. I, too, got hooked, and have since recommended them to others. I aspire to be Stephanie's grandmother when I get old(er). (Except I refuse to live with my daughter and her family under any conditions!)
We had a classic Kansas storm last night, with tornado force winds and I now have crap strung in every direction in the yard. This occurred at 2 this a.m., so I've had little sleep and Darrel has had none, as he is on call and had to go to the plant at 2 and won't be back until after 4 today. More storms expected tonight, so I doubt he'll get much sleep tonight, either. He keeps saying he doesn't mind, as it's $100.00 for the 1st hour and $45.00 an hour for every hour after, but I still say the money won't do him much good when he drops dead. Of course, I will have no trouble spending it, if he does drop.
It sounds like even with the errors those people were getting a better education than most people I know in this part of the country. At least their information was "close." I'm shocked at the number of people I meet here (my age and younger) who have no clue where any of the states are located. They know OK is south and NE is north and CO is west. Other than that, they haven't a clue. Darrel's sister's kids went to work in California and she thought it was "right after Colorado." I have to say that Darrel was just as bad when I met him, but since we started traveling, I've made him look at maps and atlases of the US and pointed out where things are.
Well, I think that's all my trivia for now. A gutter blew off and went through a window of the "eBay house" door, so I need to go pick up glass and see what I can do to keep the millions of barn swallows from flying inside! (Life in the country is soooooooo much fun!)
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