Organic Milk Pusher/Be Nice To Cristal/ Trashmobile
Just in case anyone saw the milk link I did not intend to be an organic milk pusher. I have a blog with Kelly and I thought that I was posting it there. It was sort of a joke. I found that I wasn't enjoying writing very much because I felt as if I was always complaining. Kelly asked me to start emailing him so I created him a blog and he is actually posting on it. He was a bit hesitant at first but I think it is an excellent idea, as we are away from each other over 50% of the time. The downside to this is that I have been neglecting my writing duties here. I know how you all depend on me for tales of diapers, depression, dieting, and not getting enough sex. Cristal complained that I was not writing enough. As if she has a right to complain. She totally snubbed us and went and started her own blog! Which is very cute and everyone must go and visit because she really needs love right now. She is feeling very pregnant and anxious. Her doctor put her on a terrible diet and she is going through sugar withdrawals. She will probably read this and be mad at me, but she will forgive me because she is a very nice person. Even nicer than me if you can imagine that. Let me know how that supplement works for you Brandy. If it does any good than I will order some. You can be the guinea pig! I have tried so many things that do not work. I recently started taking Ginkgo Biloba and I don't know that it has improved my brain function but I am sleeping better and feeling better in general, less tired mostly. Ranger has just started to talk! He started saying Hi Dad to Kelly on the phone. It is pretty awesome. The first time that he said it Kelly did not believe it was him. Brandy you will be glad to know that I never litter. My Truck is a trash can on wheels. Occasionally though something does fall out and then you'll see me running threw parking lots chasing my trash like an idiot. You would think it would be so much easier to clean out my Truck before it got to that point. Maybe this is like an exercise program for me, a sense of adventure, a little game or something like that.
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