Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Okay, I'll bite

1. What time is it? 11:59 A.M. Mountain Standard Time
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Michelle Helene Katz
3. Nickname: Mishy
4. Number of Piercings: Four, one in the left ear and three in the right, one I don't use anymore since that cat pulled it down so low....
5. Eye color: I think they are green, but have been told they are blue and even one time Purple...sigh
6. Place of Birth: Omaha Nebraska
7. Favorite food: anyway
8. Ever been to Africa? Nope
9. Ever been Europe? Yes
10. Love someone so much it made you cry? I have cried more in the past couple years than ever, but cried at stupid McDonald's commercials since I had children. That probably qualifies as a yes.
11. Been in a car accident? More than one. Some my fault, some not.
12. Croutons or bacon bits? Ditto on Brandy and Dona's answer.
13. Favorite day(s): Today
14. Favorite Restaurants: Ones that have greens in their salads and fresh mushrooms, and good wheat bread, and maybe a really good sushi appetizer...
15. Favorite flowers: Orchids and lilies
16. Favorite sports to watch: none, unless it's my kids playing
17. Favorite hot drink: coffee with vanilla rice milk
18. Favorite Ice cream: Chocolate (also okay with copious amounts of chocolate, preferable hot fudge, I love overkill at times)
19. Disney or Warner Bros: Warner Bros.
20. Favorite Fast Food: Don't like any of it, but use it for convenience.
21. Color of bedroom carpet: Unglazed saltillo tile (pink/orange/beige) and a dirty off-white room rug.
22. How many times did you fail a drivers test? Never.
23. Before this one who did you get your last email
from? that would be either the mortgage offer in bulk, or the lady who wants to bring her two kids in for pottery lessons when they are in town on July 5
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I just declared bankruptcy and no credit cards will touch me just yet, hasn't been discharged as of yet...
25. What do you do when you're bored? get online
26. Bedtime? 9-11pm ish
27. Who will respond to this email quickest? No one. I refuse to forward junk mail.
28. Who is likely to not respond to this email? See above.
29. Favorite TV shows:don't watch
30. Ford or Chevy? Toyota, or Jeep
31. Last person you went to dinner with: three persons, my kids- Amory,Elyse and Aliya
32. What are you listening to right now? Steffin taking care of stuff on the phone.
33. What is your favorite color? Purple
34. Lake, Ocean or river? I like to swim and sharks make me nervous, so I will say lake...but love any and all water.
35. How many tattoos do you have? Ditto Brandy and Dona's answer.
36. Sock shoe, sock shoe, or sock sock, shoe shoe? sock sock, shoe shoe if I have no choice - But prefer BARE BARE BARE BARE... Mishy says DITTO
37. Last book read, or current read: The Arcanum, history of the discovery of porcelain...amazing stuff that went on...


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