Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Long overdue general Blog update

Yes those members who never write are alive and doing well. I thought I was going to have more time to write after April started her new job and I am not babysitting anymore. Wrong again, Time is like money there is never enough. Okay, so I admit I waste a lot but a girl needs her downtime and good books are fuel for the mind. So for the last few months I haven't done much more than post the news and comment on others.

Thanks to Lydia for continuing to provide the best material for the blog, Really we love your rants and wish you would write more. And Marilyn is a wonderful addition to the blog I think she should use the blog to insult the world in general whenever she wants. Mishy gets the award for best spin off with her pottery studio blog, Her custom made restoration tiles are being considered for a job at the white house complex. Very cool - too bad she doesn't get to go and install them herself.

During the last several months we have glanced over many interesting and sometimes disturbing issues though at this moment I can't think of any of them except the men shooting floor sealant into the bodies for curves and well there was that woman selling her fat, Donas daughter and customers my fixation on weird news Mishys family and pottery and Lydia oh Lydia the savior of the blog. You know I am serious about Marilyn she could even get her own column in the real world you never know. Someone ought to since I don't bother to take the time to do it, Become a rich and famous sarcastic mean column lady it could be fun.

I have updated some links but haven't had time to add more to the permanent rolls. If any of you ever get bored feel free to go down the links list on the left and let me know if any are no longer working or if they are out of date. And then I will remove them. I will catch up someday I hope. And maybe I will even get to the giant pile of eBay crap I need to sell all that money sitting in a huge pile in my living room and I don't even bother to do it. Very scary, I think I was more burned out than I thought.

occasionally we get comments and email to the blog and I thought I would share some of them for those of you who do not sift the blog daily for such things. I don't sift either I have them mailed directly to me not that this always help because most are anonymous and some I have no clue what they are even talking about.

For Example:
The blog that has received the most comment is the link for the modest swimwear.

Wisdom of the Ages - Women, Young and Old: Wholesome Wear Introduction: "WholesomeWear Introduction I suppose there is a Christian market for this somewhere but I sure feel sorry for the kids forced to wear them. Wouldn't it be easier just to gouge out the eyes of men and go naked. I am certain it would be more comfortable."

This is the original blog and the link takes you to all the comments:

Apparently most are upset at being ogled and are supporting their right to wear ugly swimsuits. And I wholeheartedly agree they can wear anything they want and I would fight to the death for their right to do so however as Jennifer suggested in the comments A t-Short and shorts would probably be safer. But one anonymous person said they had worn them and they are comfortable. Comfortable they may be but they are still ugly and I would still prefer to be naked. Why doesn't anybody fight to the death for my right to wear nothing???? At any rate wear what you want, if ogling is however the problem I do have some easy foolproof methods to help prevent wayward stares. #1 Get fat - I promise they won't ogle you near as much. I admit that my pot belly hangs of the top of my two piece but I can safely wear it without being bother except for the relentless and for those you go to step #2 bring along a man- you know those big hairy brutish beings who are supposed to live to guard and protect us. Mine has been teasingly referred to as a Teddy bear with rabies. But he only bites when I tell him too. #3 Get a life and quit worry about who is looking at you they don't matter you aren't' going t o talk to them and will most likely never see them again so who cares.

On to other mail
Wendy said " If you're looking for bridal shower games, you can find some at Diva Girl Parties and Stuff." Unfortunately she did not leave an address so I guess its back to google for the party games.

Guest Blogger was looking for ideas
Just out browsing for people who like listening as much as they like visiting. It is a beautiful day in Christ but how Murphy's law can affect so many of them I do not know. It has been a joyful life in my 40's but something is missing. I have left everybody in my life for a life with me and I am bored as heck. Any ideas? Thanx

Does anybody here have any? My only suggestion is to read JOrdon see link to the left guaranteed to make you laugh

Joe Zada is someone touched by our own unique blend of marriage and child bashing and I think we actually helped him and his wife stay together. Just in case you all thought your bitching wasn't being helpful.

Even though I was searching the internet for something that got nothing to do with your blog (Searching for laying tile common mistakes), but I read your blog about three times throughout the day. Just last night I had an argument with my wife (have three kids) and "splitting" was one of the somewhat an option, it was on my mind.
I read your blog, again, and I think life is much bigger than splitting. My tolerance level need to be higher. I love my kids too, and I know my wife can not handle life pressures on here own. We just have to keep riding that life train together, at least it is not always bumpy.

good luck to Joe and his wife. Remember sometimes even bumpy can be fun when viewed after the children grow up and leave home. Before then just remember the two most important pieces of wisdom we can offer you. "If you do what you are thinking , they will arrest you" and That psychological torture of your children builds character and strong minds.

Anonymous our most frequent writer has made another request
not sure which pics he is talking about but I am sure it was something obscene

Lydia discovered that sloth has its own rewards
If I lose weight. Get a degree and find happiness it will only add 6 years to my life. What a crock!

Anonymous Again with a public service message
Please be very careful about the military support sites you choose to associate with, there are many out there who are NOT legitimate and not in good standing. It's a good idea to always ask for their nonprofit status/501(c), and to check with the BBB and Attorney General's office to make sure that the organization is legitimate and actually helping the troops instead of using it as an excuse to profit off the generosity and kindness of others whose only intention is to help. I would suggest checking this one out.

The most frustrating email comment is

this guy is my hero

Come on anonymous its not like blogger tells me which blog you are commenting on because I have no clue who your hero is and I have looked for at least a good half hour and can't find the article your comment is attached to. Wish blogger would give some type of reference back.

Patty our longest standing reader (as all the others have fallen down by now liked Donas 10 stupid questions
I enjoyed your Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions. I think on that last one they're asking if you missed the bus. Maybe!

And amazingly enough anonymous even read Jordan (Mine and Dona's book see link to the left) and liked it.
wasn't quite sure about what I was reading nor where it came from nor how I came about it is funny though the names in it are some of well names I have used....Grabbed my eye no doubt! Just makes me want to say wouldn't life be so easy if we could all just be nice and enjoy what good things we can do for each other without asking!!! GOD does work in mysterious ways....

Stoic mom discovered she was in fact famous at least in our world
HEY! A link to my blog. Wow! I must be famous.

Lydia gets political
Unbelievably stupid. We have more families involved with CPS than ever. Which means more kids in Foster care. A shortage of suitable homes for these children and we want to what? Not allow people that are gay or bisexual to be foster parents. Even though, (from what I've read) they are the ones that take the children that no one else wants. The HIV positive babies. The crack babies that are born addicted. What are we thinking? I'm thinking that it's enough already. Why are we allowing people to be discriminated against right in front of our faces and we aren't saying a damn thing. Yeah they can work and vote, but they can't be married (legally anyway) or be a foster parent.

Anonymous apparently lives in Australia and also write. In answer to your question and anybody else's question use whatever you want on this blog just provide a link and don't take Jordon or the poetry, you can take the childhood if you want though good memories are meant to be shared.

I am trying to write stories about my childhood in the country in Australia and how fresh the food was. I came across your page in my search to see what other people had done to get ideas. I like your comments and memories of your mother and food. Its good that it not all 'sweety'. If you don't mind I will use-not what you have written but some of the !flavour of your story. Thanks and God bless. E.

Okay that's it for the mail bag on to other things. Please note that once I start selling on eBay again or doing anything besides storage work I will be listing the items for sale on the blog also any of the rest of you can feel free to do so also it is a tool let it help you.

The Drafts folder is getting rather large and some of them have some important things to say so please note that you have two weeks to finish them and get them posted or I will delete them your choice or I might just start publishing them at random creating a time warp to various spots in our evolutionary jog through the blog.

that's all folks and I am sure it was enough - I have blogged, Life is complete and my mailbox is much emptier


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I sometimes wonder about you. And yes, I'm still here and I still read the blog everyday. I've been interested in the U-Store auctions, but when the day comes I always forget or I get busy with something else - like going to work. Lately I've been tired of everyone in my life. But at least I'm happy at home. Greg and I are doing well. He and my
mom are always the exceptions to my life rants.

I seem to have forgotten my username and password (sigh) and (!) so I must post as anonymous.

- Melisa

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're interested, the missing address mentioned above is

Have a great day!


1:07 PM  

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