High Protein Diets Bad - All diets bad - fake food bad
From the Cleveland Clinic: High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diets
This article provides good reasons not to go on a high protein diet. And our frend Lydia is currently in the hospital with a Kidney blockage. And I want her to get better now. She has to live to be old and gray so she can be at the farm with the rest of us. And we will be old so all the food will be real there will be no men or children so we will probably all be skinny and since I am in charge of cooking there will be butter and sugar and bread and noodles and all those things that make life worth living.
Now I am not saying the high protein diet caused it but it couldn't have helped. Granted I am not a Big Diet fan or fake food fan which you can easily tell by looking at my ass. But you know if I wanted it too be smaller I would argue with the hubby or make myself dpressed or use my favorite diet plan which I never get to use anymore and that is sleeping in the sun for 2 hours every day. You can be in shade but you have to be outside. Come on women if you want to lose weight have sex more or go dancing or run with your kids at the park or just quit caring about that extra 20 or in my case 30-40 pounds and enjoy your life.
We worry too much and that causes stress which makes us fat - We don't get enough sleep which makes us fat so if we just quit worrying about it and take more naps we should be healthier right. I say right.
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