Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Hey! That was funny.

I was going to write my blog about my own unique take on multi-tasking but then I was distracted by the fact that I actually got a few comments on my answer to Dona's question. While women are soft and lovely and there are by far more attractive women then men to look at. I have really never considered myself a Lesbian. Although I do own three pairs of Birkenstocks and I've been told that this is the preferred footwear of Lesbians. Althought the person that gave me this info was a gay man, I'm not sure if he is a reliable source. He is quite hip and in the know in other areas. So if you are a Lesbian please feel free to write in and either confirm or deny this rumor. In any case they are very comfortable. I have never claimed to hate men, I love them immensely. One man in particular. Some of my stupidest behavior ever has come about when I was under the influence of men.

On to the multi tasking bit. I am listening to my new CD, I have laundry in the washer and the dryer. I'm burning a candle, typing, and drinking a cup of coffee and having a conversation with Rangy Roo. That's the closest I'll ever come to being a good multi-tasker. I'm still thinking about the men are apes bit. I can give you sociological proof. Without women men act completely uncivilized, reverting back to primitive behavior. Ever studied the way that men behave in prison when there are no women around to civilize them. Unrefutable proof!


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