Baby turns 2
In the beiginning I marked my age in my years, Like wow I am going to be 12 and go to my first concert (the Eagles) and then it was sixteen and I could drive. Well I could but you also have to have that little thing called parental consent and when you call your parents names and move out at 15 they can be incredibly not helpful. They wouldn't help me so I got married and then I could drive- Okay we passed that milestone. SO next was 18 and I could vote. I didn't but I could.
Please note by the age of 18 I had already passed those milestones of motherhood and marriage. I got an early start but that just means they moved out while I was young. But they did it with much more finesse and much less animosity than when I did it to my parents.
Next was 19 that last of my teenage years which I spent pregnant again. and 21 - Now I could drink except that my body treats alchohol like poison and refuses to let me imbibe.
The a few year later I was 25 and I finally felt like a grownup A woman instead of a child with 5 and 8 year olds of my own a house a job the sports car. I had achived adulthood. Then there was 30 my grandparents passed away and one of the anchors of my life was set adrift. That was pretty much the last year of my life. The kids were old enough to be human all their own and I started counting my age by theirs. I wasn't any particular age I was now the mother of a 12 year old. A mother mass no longer and individual being.
Now I am continuing to regress as I am now or will be tomorrow 2 years old. Because Emily the grandbaby will be 2 and damned if she wasn't worth the 39 years that came before. Amazing little girl and I am a good 2 you should see us a the toy store.
This was all supposed to have some meaning but has devolved into mindless wayward rambling. So I will move onward. Emmy had her 2nd birthday party yesterday and a fine time was had by all. APril pulled off yet another party whereas I can't even order Pay per view right. Lydia and Melissa both came with all their others. Lydias boys make me stand in awe that she is still standing at the end of the day. I only had one and he ran my ass ragged.
Little boys may be the actual missing link in evolution because they are certainly monkeys. Not that Emily is much better she just hasn't had older examples of monkey behavior. But my josh had no examples and he was a monkey from hell some days. As with all animals from the petting zoo little boys are as fun to watch as they are exasperating to their parents. They are just too cute and have way too much energy. I have no idea how I raised 2 kids cause Emily for an afternoon tuckers me out.
It was great seeing Melissa our official blog lurker she reads us daily and I was happy to know she is still alive and well, still with her boy and they seem to be perfect for eachother. Thanks everyone for coming.
Being a hermit I don't see people often but they always remind me of why I love them when I do.
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