Saturday, February 02, 2008

Was I saner then?

Help!Something has stolen both my writing skills and sanity. I know some of you will say that I never have possessed either of these attributes and to those people I say, "Shut the fuck up, who asked you?" Whatever removed these things from my life was at least kind anough to gift me with a mouth like a sewer. I was reading the archives and I noticed how much saner I seemed to be 3 years ago, my writing appeared to be more organized and coherant. I even detected redeeming qualities in my persona. Maybe I am regressing, funny I don't remember partaking of any mind altering substances and yet my mind is gone. I have to relearn the things that I have always known. So if any of you people want to take a stab at explaining these happenstances to me and can do it in a non smart ass way I welcome your take on my condition. Kelly says it's the direct result of hanging out with him and reading bad literature.


Blogger Yang said...

Kelly left out the most important component to your failed mind and abilities - four children.

7:07 PM  

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