12 Step Program No I'm not an alcoholic
I've started to work a twelve step program. I was at step four which is to take a fearless an searching moral inventory. Which in itself is a tall order and I had no idea where to begin. So another one of break off pseudo cult members asked me if I had any questions and I said yeah step four, I have no idea where to begin and wouldn't you know it they have workbooks for just such things. I don't even have to ask myself hard hitting questions, the workbook asks and I answer. I read through it about 10 times before I began and as I was reading it I was thinking to myself am I even ready for this level of honesty even with myself. So I decide that I am the one person I can be honest with, I can live with me. So I begin by saying, Kelly if if I leave this book laying around please don't read it because the things I am going to write will cause you to divorce me so he swore the sacred oath that he would not read it. Well I was working on it in my car when I was waiting for L to get out of practice today. Then I left it in my car because that is really the safest place for it. Well Kelly borrowed the van tonight, I am not sure why. I think it is because he was picking up C's girlfriend and thought my car was cleaner or something. I'm really not sure. Now I am scared shitless, I left that workbook in my car. I know Kelly won't read it but what if she gets bored and starts to read it. Then she tells C and C tells my beloved. I was fearless, vague but fearless. I don't think I am ready for total honesty.
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