Saturday, May 23, 2009

Damn phone!

  My daughter's social life is going to suffer because her mother is a moron. Just when you thought that I couldn't possibly lose, break, wash, anhilate any more phones this year. Another one bites the dust. I was on my way out the door from the dreaded place when my phone popped out of the case and landed in a puddle. It's even funnier when you think about it because it really doesn't rain here that often and when it does my freakin phone takes a bath. Now your wondering," This relates to L how?", well I'm always popping my sim into L's phone and forcing her to loan out hers against her will, while I'm waiting for another one. So picture this, me diving like a dumb ass. Eating the pavement to scoop up my phone out of the water.  All the while thinking what if my favorite boy calls me in the time it takes for me to transfer the sim. I am very very sick at the moment. I feel some very bad judgement coming on.


Blogger Brandy said...

Its great to have you back writing I missed all you wonderful blogs.

9:55 AM  

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