Kids and Kittens - Want one, Blake? Or Two? Or Three?
While the grandkids were here last weekend, they discovered a litter of kittens in my goat shed. Five little females that I need like I need another buckling.... (You have to raise goats and know that of the twenty baby goats we had this year, thirteen of them were bucklings (boys) to get that joke...)
Kenzie put the kittens in a bucket and walked around with them all morning, while we
tried to convince her they would starve to death if she didn't put them back with their
mother. She finally relented, but not before she decided that they needed their legs
stretched so that they would get stronger and be able to walk better. Lo and behold,
after a thorough session of Kenzie-cize, they were all running all over the carport.
P.S. No kittens were harmed during the filming of this documentary.
You better count them she probably sacrificed one while you were not looking. Did you notice any blood on her hands or little bits of fur stuck to her clothes? (just kidding)
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