Last night the demon called from another number. Now if I possessed any intelligence whatsoever I would have the fore thought to just turn my phone off at night. But, being the dumb ass that I am , I just didn't think to. The phone rang once I ignored it, then K said hand it to me. So K answered the phone and the demon had enough nerve to actually ask to speak with me. K told him that he could not talk to me and not to call. Of course after they spoke and I turned off my phone he called again. K is handling all of this with such grace and compassion. He feels sorry for the demon and even some small part of him wishes that he could help him, but we are not the ones to do that. In a way I am disappointed at myself for not recognizing the situation and offering him real help instead of my company or affection. K is planning on having words with him today although we don't really think that it will do any good. K thinks that there is only two ways that this can end, either he goes to jail or he gets what he wants. Him getting what he wants is not an option. If there was even the slightest possibility that my resolve could ever weaken his ugly evil words have almost obliterated any love I had or ever will have for him. What kind of a sick fuck threatens to kill their own children?
I love K, he has a great way of making me see the obvious. He said," you are pretty wonderful but, you do understand that this has nothing to do with you." K realizes just how sick the demon is and this is just the latest chaos in his life. We are both so glad that our roommate will be arriving shortly. Another layer of protection for Ying.
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