Sunday, October 18, 2009

K asked me to email him while he is at work but he specifically requested that I refrain from writing anything negative. That kind of cramps my style a bit doesn't it?I flat out told him that he has to accept the entire package. The good and the bad, I can reign in the ugly but I'm a stream of consciousness kind of gal and it's not all happy hour inside my head. I do love my mood swings only almost as much as I love my coffee. Desperately trying to gain employment but my schedule is an obstacle. L is rooting for me big time. She has pretty much figured out that this is the only way that she is going to New York with hertheatre class this summer. If her behavior does not improve she will be lucky is she gets to scoop goat poo at Yang's.

Last night I dreamt about the demon, I don't say his name anymore. I dreamt that we were friends and I could pick up the phone and talk to him at anytime. I don't miss his mental instability, unreliability, and general drug fiend demeanor but I do honestly miss some part of him. Although if I could erase every thought of him I ever had I certainly would. I've done pretty good job of eradicating him from my conscious.
I've been having the headaches from hell this week.


Blogger AliceInWonderland said...

I understand the whole not suppose to talk about anything negative. My exe told me that he was sick of me always letting him down because the first thing I do is bring up the negative about a situation. Hey, at least I was always trying to look out for him, right?

1:34 PM  

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