Friday, February 12, 2010


What kind of game are you playing?
We can talk, but not see eachother is what you are saying?

You either are my friend or not
You either see me or you don't

You either communicate what you are feeling
Or you can hold it all in and do the healing

I am trying to help you out here
But how can I when you won't let me have a listening ear?

I will give up soon if you do not confront this
And go on living life in amiss


Blogger Ying said...

I may be way off base here. (BUT) In my experience when someone does not want to see you yet says that you can still talk it is just their way of softening the blow. I have found that once you hit a certain point in a relationship (no matter the nature of it) there is no going back. Some loves or friendships naturally morphe into something else and there are others that are forced by conscious decisions. The one thing that I do know is that it is very hard to let go and the very best way that I have found of letting go of someone or something is not gradual. It may hurt more immediately but in the long run it is a lot easier on the heart and mind to just cut something out completely. Quit cold turkey like a harmful habit. This may have nothing to do with your poem but this is just what your words remind me of. Probably because of a certain situation that I lived through in the not so distant past.

9:49 AM  
Blogger AliceInWonderland said...

Actually your comment does pertain to my poem. Thanks because that really helps me understand it better! Especially coming from an outsiders perspective. :)

5:59 PM  

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