Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Another Day In Oz...or close to it

You both sound as if you had FAR more productive days than I did. My morning was spent having my large and sagging boobs squished between hard cold steel and hard cold plastic. Yep...another yearly mammogram done and over with. It seems that's how I truly gauge time passing any more. The heck with holidays, birthdays, anniversaries...if I haven't had a mammogram, then another year can't possibly have passed.
Can't think of any entertaining bar stories for you at the moment, Brandy. I know I have some, they are just currently buried in parts of my brain I don't care to access right now. I do have one question, which is bar related. Why do men think standing across the bar from you and "blowing" you kisses with their lips is inviting, attractive, and/or erotic?? I don't mean husbands - Darrel can blow anything he wants at me, anytime he wants. I mean men you barely know, or know not at all. And this particular man (using that term loosely, of course) knows my husband well and still seemed to feel that standing behind my husband's back and doing it would be even more arousing to me. I know the bar is in Oklahoma, the spawning ground of every hick and hayseed to ever suck oxygen, but I really look that ignorant??? Or desperate??


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