Exes and such
Lydia - You are not being immature, irrational, or insane. Requesting something for your own emotional well being is not unreasonable. And since when do we have to justify what we ask for? Darrel has 4 "exes," so I basically live in ex-wife hell. None of my exes live within 1600 miles of us. All of Darrel's live in the general vicinity, so I empathize with what you are going through. Two weeks ago Darrel's family had a small get together at a local park. I had to work all day (and night) so was unable to attend. I learned later his first wife was there all afternoon. I ranted, raved, screamed, and was a total bitch for 2 days. I know Darrel wants nothing to do with her - that wasn't the point. The point was I didn't like it, it was disrespectful to me, and I won't tolerate it happening again. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. How would Kelly feel if you made visits to your exes house? How would Kelly like it if you associated with people who had hurt him or been mean to him? Where the hell have all the knights in armor gone?? Gotta run to work. I know miss B will have lots of good advice for you! Good luck!
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