Lazy Days and Mondays
Hi All,
I get the blog working and none of you write, I see how you are. Busy, Busy Busy, and I understand the feeling. Yesterday I spent a wonderful 2 hours shopping at Barnes and Noble Thanks to my boss who kindly sent me a 100 gift card. I am usually very careful what I buy since books now cost more than most drugs and it was very nice just to wander around and pick up whatever I wanted. Came home with a large stash that will soon be making its way around the country to Dona and then To Michelle. After shopping we had a nice lunch at On the Border. Food was great Bus Boys were the slowest I have seen in ages. Ended up bussing my own booth so I wouldn't have to sit at a table. When I was younger I would have never considered doing such a thing. Sometimes being old is grand.
Update from the edge. The children have found a place to land with one of the boys relatives on the condition that Girl continues school and boy gets a real job or joins the army within the next 30 days. But they are being fed and watered on a regular basis and no longer living with drug addicts and crack whores to have a place to sleep. I find it relatively shameful that the family didn't come forward sooner and that out of all the people they knew it was the drugged out crazies that let them into their home. And a scary home that was. Glad they are out of it.
I miss April and Emily since they are in Phoenix visiting and showing off Emily to my large many parented family. They sound like they are fun but about ready to come home. Large cities are not for April anymore and I can certainly understand that sentiment. I would take a farm with no neighbors any day of the week.
Received a credit card in the mail today in an attempt to reestablish good credit after bankruptcy. It was here for all of 10 minutes before I cut it up and decided it wasn't really worth it. They are nice to have but they are better not to have. It was a pretty card with this great fantasy scape design Kinda wished I had kept it just for the picture but in my usually lopsided way of thought I decided that right after cutting it in half.
Pixarra who makes the twisted brush Paint program visited our blog and invited me to display my bad art in their program gallery pages which I thought was kinda cool. Still making more and more things for the cafe press site. Don't know if I will ever make any money off of it but I am having fun playing. After so many years on Ebay which taught me to hate my computer it is nice to have fun with it again.
I made the picture smaller again on the blog in hopes that Lydia will retain some sense of sanity. Wouldn't want her going postal on us. It the letters are still over lapping the pic then you need to do one of two things. Set your resolution higher. (To do this if you don't know how - Right click on any empty spot on your desktop (The first screen that comes up when you turn on your computers) Click on Properties and then settings. On the bottom half on the left you will see "Colors" this should be set at 16bit or higher. On the right is screen area. I keep mine at 1024 X 768. But 800 X 600 should work also if your screen isn't truly puny. If the text still overlaps I suggest buying a new new monitor. (Mishy :0)) I forget at times that not everbody has a 19" or greater monitor which is what I design on. I have the ability to test it on all screns sizes and resolutions but I don't put that much effort into it because everybody should buy a bigger screen. Yard sales are great for regular 19" monitors now because all the people with real money are buying flat screens and selling their other ones.
Lydia Get your DSL working - Call me I will help or call their tech support which is actually pretty good for something that belongs to SBC. I spent many long hours ont he phone with them when I had to set up mine and I knew what I was doing. Thier system just take a bit to get working. BTW you don't have to use a luch box tell me what pic you want and I will put it on a purse for you. I wish you would write Pig part tre. I save the chat if you don't want to write it all again and I see nothing wrong with embellished memories they are much more interesting to read and usually more instructive than reality. Besides I can't put up all my great comebacks for your next encounter if you don't post the story.
Well thats all for the night I had some amazing Philosophical stuff to write but I forgot what it was.
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