Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Stupid Political Comments of the day

Bush the wimp.
Last week, Bush declined an NAACP speaking invitation because of "hostile political rhetoric" from the group's leaders. "You've heard the rhetoric and the names they've called me," Bush told the Philadelphia Inquirer.
(Of Course they call him names he has been responsible for destroying of our civil rights than any other president. But not even having the guts to go speak to them. Shameful)

"We've got more African Americans in jail than we do in college. That's unacceptable," he added.
(Okay this isn't a stupid comment but it is a stupid fact.And a very sad fact also)
But I haven't heard Kerry talk of legalizing drugs and that will be the only way to end this problem

David Korb, a former freelance writer for Fox, told a news conference that when things were going badly for U.S. troops in Iraq, a senior Fox producer laid down instructions to the writers.
"'Remember when you're writing about this, it's all good,"' Korb said. "'Don't write about the number of dead, or about troops being under fire or under attack. Keep it positive. Emphasize all the good we're doing, like rebuilding schools and bringing democracy. Yoo-hoo for us! It's big progress."'
(Do they really think we are that stupid - Oh Wait,some of us are)

And Speaking of Stupid John Q Public
"Since 9/11, there has been no major terrorist attack on this country," said Bob Shea, a 52-year-old independent-leaning Democrat from Westfield, Mass. "So I have to say Bush and his administration have done a reasonable job."
(We didn't have much in the way of terrorist attacks before 9/11 either, nor did we have so many soldiers dead, So many of our civil rights violated etc... How anyone can see Bush as doing a good job is beyond me.)

And Last but Not Least - A personal observation
Lately I have been reading polls on how the economy is imporoving and the job market is doing better because unemployment rates are down. Yet I haven't heard anyone state the obvious. Of course unemployment is down. We have called up thousands and thousands of reserve and national guard units because of the Debacle in Iraq. Lets face it as long as he can keep them fighting and dying in Iraq the numbers are gonna look good at home since somebody is going to get their job. - Like Duh


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