Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Contrary to popular belief

Wives are not there for husbands and boyfriends to abuse verbally or physically. Now if women could only get this through their thick skulls. Hello this is intelligence knocking. Tell the pain in the ass to behave or get out. But no, we revel in our neediness, in our desire to make our life be one that makes men happy. We use our magic to craft the universe daily but we craft only for the desires of others. We ignore ourselves, we devalue our very beings to build this world and yet all we get for it is a kick in the ass and why isn't the house clean. And for that we are grateful. We are such silly asses at times.

Lydia you and Kelly definitely need counseling of some type or at least an honest(scary thought) Conversation. You need to drag all the baggage out and let it fall where it may. Kelly is not that bad a sort I think he has just had to many mommies and doesn't know what to do with a grown wife, with God Forbid a mind of her own. I am most positive that early on he saw you as the lost little girl he was going to save. Lost little girls are never supposed to question their new masters and they are supposed to be sufficiently in love and awe that their mans every wish is their desire. Which they of course fulfill happily. Now this is a role I am sure you can play and maybe even enjoy more than your current one. But the problem with this little fantasyland is that you have 4 kids you have no choice but to be competent and after days on end by yourself up to your elbows in diapers and nursing and dinners and school and school projects and rental house and loan officer school you have very little time left to be the little lost girl. You also don't care about the house which is one of those little girl facets that men don't think about when they are pursuing such individuals. So you can't find your keys. Who cares, did you miss the part about 4 kids. I don't have any kids and I can lose my keys anytime and I don't even use the damn things so its not like they moved. I have been known to lose lighters without ever moving from my position on the chair. It has taken days to find said lighters before. I think this is a backfire of my magic or God just likes to play tricks on me. And while my husband has laughed at me and spent many moments crawling around on the floor looking for said lost items he has never suggested that this trait might be linked to some form of adult ADD, And I certainly never thought of it. Don't you dare drug yourself to keep your husband happier. If you want to take drugs to make you happier,(Read Prozac etc..) go for it but don't drug yourself with pschoactive compounds that turn you into a person you are not just so you can try to live up to someone else's standard of who you are.

But then I don't believe ADD really exists, I believe different people do different things and travel at different speeds through life. Lost keys are not a symptom of anything except being human. Tell Kelly to kiss your ass and that anytime he wants to spend two weeks at home with 4 kids or even 2 you will be glad to compare the house and children at that time.

You worry way to much about what Kelly thinks. Do not let him define who you are. Actually you worry too much about what everybody thinks. You are falling behind in the doctrine of who cares. You are obviously someone put on earth to raise children and animals and watch frogs on the window. Did you really need more and if you do do you have any doubts that you are capable of achieving what ever you want. I don't.

Kelly's biggest problem is that he doesn't see what is passing him by while he is hurrying to get where he is going and since you never arrive where you are really going in this lifetime until you are dead he is missing all the scenery on the way by.

Okay I am done, For now. Onto other things. Met Erin today she came in to take care of the girls storage payment. Very nice lady and recipients were very grateful. I told her about the blog because I try to mention to all women I meet and might like but it is up to you to invite her to join if you want. I am used to airing my dirty laundry in public which is of course why all the people I consider friends are writing on this blog. They have all Seen me naked before so dirty underwear is no big thrill. So if you want to invite her to blog I can tell you how to invite or I can do it for you with your permission of course. I am the God of the Blog but I am a benevolent and understanding God. If not I will never again mention this discussion. Really it didn't take place and you haven't read anything. Please return to your TV set to calmly watch static while slowly going out of your mind. Lots of other semi to really major stuff going on in my life mostly bad but I can't yet share these items publicly as they are not primarily my concern and while I am often willing to bare my naked truths I try to avoid bearings others' as they are heavy and all that naked truth stuff gets sticky in the heat of July.

PS Thank you for giving me someone elses problems, other peoples pronlems are so much better than our own.


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