Rain Drops, Dogs, Skunks, Politics, and Bums
Playing in the rain sounds wonderful. I love the rain! Of course, doing so nude would have been the most fun, but don't suppose that's real feasible where you are, Lydia. I could do it where I live, but somehow never thought of it. Okay - now I'm going outside to do a rain dance. Maybe I'll just think upon rain clouds...
I never made it to the barn the other day, but did get another project started. Got stopped passing the "eBay house" and decided to tackle that instead. When Darrel arrived home I had an entire pickup load of stuff sitting in the front yard, for him to haul off. Still needs more cleaning, but I've made a substantial dent in the mess.
Keegan appreciates the thoughts, Lydia. He's doing very well and I am going back to the vet's to pick him up this a.m. He had his last surgery yesterday, so I'll know more after I pick him up, but all seems well. Rascals the cat, who made himself Keegan's nursemaid after the accident, drove us crazy last night carrying on at the back door. Guess he wanted to know where the hell his buddy was.
For years (after reading the Camber books years ago) I've asked the kids to name one of their kids "Kelson." We ended up with 7 grandsons and none of them are named Kelson. All of their parents hated the name. What can I say? None of them read and none of them have any imagination. However, I did get my granddaughter named "McKenzie" after the main character in the Outlander series. (This time I just didn't tell anyone where I got the name from.)
Spent last night reading and listening to the RNC drone on and on and on and on and on in the background. Sometimes I wonder how I (a full-blown Libertarian) ended up with a staunch right-wing Republican. At least it's made for some very interesting political discussions at my house lately.
We also spent last night trapping skunks that have been living under the house. Caught 2, and have at least one more to go. Hopefully we will get the last one tonight. (Country life is sooooooooooo amusing.)
I have the same problem, Lydia. I really do want to look semi-presentable, but most days it seems like way too much trouble. Living out in the middle of nowhere makes it way too easy not to!
I started this blog with something in particular I was going to write about, but I seem to have had major brain cramp and for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Perhaps it will come to me later. Or not...
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