Friday, November 26, 2004

The official start to Christmas shopping starts today

Glad I am working. Hate malls, ordering most of my gifts online. In the spirit of the season (rampant commercialism)and because Jesus is the reason for the season, I would like to offer a few religious gifts to help keep you in the true spirit of the holiday. (Yes I know Jesus was not born in December but if millions of other believers world wide don't care, why should I.)

For those friends you have that just don't quite make it up to your version of moral standards we offer the following gifts to help them find their way to Jesus.

For any teenage boy you know that might be tempted, this present should help them get through those troubled years until they are married and just don't want sex anymore.

This next gift idea is good for anyone who needs a little extra help all day long.

We also offer a fine line of Womens Underwear to help keep you pure and covered.

So shop today and get your friends, children and spouses, presents they really need, presents that are good for a laugh, and for the soul.

*****Above products are real just click and buy, buy, buy.*******


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