Wednesday, December 22, 2004

CBS News | Wal-Mart Sued Over Gun Suicide | December 22, 2004�09:01:10

CBS News | Wal-Mart Sued Over Gun Suicide | December 22, 2004�09:01:10: "AP) Near the end of her short life, Shayla Stewart, a diagnosed manic-depressive and schizophrenic, assaulted police officers and was arrested for attacking a fellow customer at a Wal-Mart store where she had a prescription for anti-psychotic medication.

Given all those signs, her parents say, another Wal-Mart just 7 miles away should have never sold her the shotgun she used to kill herself at age 24 in 2003. ".

It is a sad case but still a stupid lawsuit. You can't keep blaming the gun deaths on people other than the people who use the guns. I personally hate walmart and would love to see them go out of business but not by way of stupid lawsuit.

I have never understood how people can think that a court battle and some money will make the pain go away - to me it cheapens the very death they are so upset over


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