Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Lydia - Nobody Hates Me....TODAY

Lydia, Do NOT refund!!! I haven't had anything nasty to send you. This is not because I'm particularly liked or thought fondly of. It's simply because #1.) I choose to have as little to do with as few people (including family) as possible. #2.) I haven't done any eBay to speak of for a month. The second reason will change shortly, as it's start doing some eBay or go to debtor's prison. I have no doubt I will have many stupid, annoying emails for you to answer for me. The first reason will never change and may even get worse!
I've been pondering secrets to post, but since I have no stop sign between my brain and mouth and within 10 minutes of meeting me most people know my entire life's history, it's been hard to think of something NO ONE knows. I'm sure I can dig into the darkest recesses of my psyche and come up with something.


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