Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Do I really want people to think my husband is an idiot?

Today I do!

K- Can you give me a copy of the pest inspection for Scotland (Scotland is the name of the street some houses we are buying are on)

L- Sure, I just need to go into your office and print them out (he has my printer in his office because his is broke)

K- Can’t you just email them to me? (doesn’t want me to touch his computer)

L- Okay (then I tried to email them to him)

L- I’m having trouble emailing this file, it’s not letting me do it

K- That’s just great!

L- Well I can just print it out

K- Now, I’m going to have to move the printer to do it, that’s just great


K- So you can print it out

L- Why can’t I just do it here?

K- Because you can’t email them to me

L- I can just print them from my email

K-You don’t have a printer

L- That’s a printer right? (pointing to the printer)

K-but you can’t email them to me

L- I can print them from my email

K-then I’ll have to move the printer

L- No, I will use your computer to access my email and print them in your office

K-but you can’t email them

L-I don’t need to, I’ll print them from my email (Wearing confused look on her face)

K- Get out of my office! You’ve had an attitude all morning! I’m sick of you thinking that you are smarter than everybody else)


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