Another cranky post ...
Lydia - I am the same way, which is probably why I never blog anymore. Seems like I'm never in the mood to share some bright sunny moment in my life (I have them, really I do) or even one of my slightly off kilter iambic pentameter ditties. All I want to do is wallow in myself and bitch about everything and everyone else. Since I'm even sick of listening to me, I figure why put anyone else through it?
I don't miss my father at all, which probably means I have a special spot in hell reserved just for me. I too spent years trying to get to know him and finally realized a couple of years ago that I also already knew him and was actually just trying to find something I liked about him. Thank God he has no plans to move anywhere near me.
I now have nothing more to say so Brandy says I should talk about spending 4 days in my little 5 room house with my daughter, her 5-1/2 year old and 2-1/2 year old, and her 3 dogs while it poured nonstop, day and night. Is that picture frightful enough for you? I'm trying to block the memories, myself. Actually, they were great fun and very well behaved, but I was very ready for them to leave when they did. I had run out of creative fun inside things to do and the pent up energy in the house was about to bust out all the windows.
Husband has finally (after 6 years of me begging, cajoling, blowing, and bitching) started gutting our 3rd bedroom. That room has never been used for anything except a dumping ground. (Most people have "junk drawers," I have a "junk room.") Anyways, my older brother, his wife and 3 kids are coming to visit in May or June and so it needs to become an actual useable bedroom. So, Darrel took a week off to do it. The first day went great. Ripped 99% of all the plaster and lath out, with only a very small section of lath to go (it's a very tiny room so this was all done in only a few hours, including shoveling and disposing of the mess). We have the insulation and sheetrock to continue on with this project. It is now 14 days since that first day and it is still at the exact same point of progress (ha ha)it was at the end of the first day.
See - I knew I'd get around to complaining about SOMETHING.
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