Reasons to provide our children w/ graphically honest and unflinching sex education
STD Report
iWon - Health
Thought I would break this down for people who don't have time to go read the article. I sincerely believe in completely honest sex ed for our children. Abstinence does play a part in this talk but being not a very particle solution so does birth control. Pregnancy is no longer the worst thing that can happen to our children or to us. The Aids epidemic started around the time my son was born and I swore I would never let my children die for sex just because I didn't want to talk about it.
Scary statistics. If you read the article attached to this you probably went yah its bad so???? Let me break down just how bad it really is.
15 Million cases of STDs every year, Big number but personally meaningless. So lets break it down, This is 41,095 per day and those are the ones that are actually diagnosed. Or 1712 per hour or 28 every single second of the day.
40 to 50 million people in this country have herpes but only 20-30% know they have it. The rest are unknowingly spreading it.
3 Mill have Chlamydia which has few symptoms and is one of the leading reasons of sterility in this country today for both men and women. In case you are wondering that is about 8219 cases a day to maintain that record. Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by Chlamydia causes 100,000 cases of sterility in woman each year. That is about 274 girls every day who will never give birth to their own children.
We have to get over our phobias about sex in this country. We have to teach our children about sex and we have to make wearing a condom one of the coolest things a boy can do. Pass them out in lunchrooms starting in Kindergarten for all I care. Talk about the diseases daily. Our children should not suffer for or prudishness or our religion. Abstinence is great but not terribly feasible from a biological standpoint. a greater percentage of people may not have had sex before they were married a 100 years ago but they were married at 14 and it annoys the hell out of me when the modern day do gooders don't take the reality of history into account but that is a whole other rant.
Chlamydia which is so dangerous because of it utter lack of symptoms can still be cured with a single 4 pill dose of antibiotics. Studies show that the children are picking it up in high school and then taking it to college with them to spread it among the masses. We need a programs at both highschool and college levels that offer massive free distribution of the cure and free testing to both highschool children and the at the colleges.
A parent in this day and age who truly cared about their children's health would make sure their children were tested annually, rather than bury their heads in the sand and ignore the problem and then whine about abortion when their little Susie can no longer conceive. Get a grip take responsibility, its only sex for God's sake and believe me if God didn't think it was a good thing he wouldn't have made it so much fun.
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