The Tequila Worm by Viola Canales
Every time Lindy reads a book and enjoys it she is passing it along for me to read so we can discuss it. This week it was The Tequila Worm. Eating an actual Tequila worm is a Mexican folk remedy for homesickness. No not drinking the bottle of Mescal just eating the worm ( but you have to chew it). A major theme in this book is comadres, learning who your camadres are and how to be a good one. I attempted to help Lindy identify her comadres but we both had a tough time doing so. I tried to impress upon her that it is a quality not quantity issue. The mother that made all the crazy crafts in the book reminded her of me and I can see how Lindy might think that but I secretly have fancied myself a creator, an artist and not just an insane crafty gal. I guess Lindy knows better. One thing that the book did for me was to help me realize that I have never helped my children to connect to Lindy ( my daughters namesake). I don't tell enough stories, or share enough of the joy that she gave me. I have been selfish. For the longest time it was just too hard but I have no excuse now. I am going to make a great effort to help connect them to everything, often times we live in a disconnected world. It seems like no one has any sense of family or loyalty. Everyone is out for themselves, but it is okay if we are not. Let the world be as the world is and we can be what we are without apology.
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