STUPID Vampire Dreams
I can't sleep. It took me nearly all day to remember fragments of the dream I had last night.
I was walking with a man, I don't know who he is and suddenly he collapses onto the ground and he tells me that he can't go on like this. So I give him my wrist and he sucks my vein threw my skin like it's a straw and I am not apalled by this. I offer him my other wrist. This part is a hoot, I see a very tall man dressed as a women and he stumbles across a coven of vampires. I think that they are chasing the man that I was walking with. I vaguely remember the ocean and a large house near the beach.
A man sucking your life out of you to sustain himself. Hmmm...doesn't take an IQ of 180 to figure that one out....
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