PLease help me live - Join the Bone Marrow Registry
I know Lydia has posted this before. But for some reason now that I actually need bone marrow it seems more important. Registering your bone marrow is painless and free. Donating itself isn't really painful either. I had my first Bone marrow biopsy the other day and it was 15 minutes and lots of Lidocaine. Wasn't that big a deal. And having yourself tested could mean the difference between me living and dying. And if you aren't a match for me then maybe you will be for someone else. There are worse things you could give as a present this holiday season than the gift of life. And BOne marrow is a great thing. Give all you want. You will make more.
National Marrow Donor Program - Be The Match Marrow Registry
I'm on the registry. I want to be the match for someone!
WHAAAAAAAA! They won't take me! My marrow sucks!
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