Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Who's to say what love is? Everyone loves in their own ways and in their own time. Sometimes we will love someone and never stop loving them. Other times we will love someone and then fall out of love with them and even more times we will fall in love with someone, and ends in up despising that person more than we ever thought we could. Their are friendship loves. Where you love someone so much and you would do anything for them, even dodge a bullet. Their are loves for your pets. Where its almost like you treat your pet as more of your own flesh and blood than an animal. You love their company and in return, they love you unconditionally. The feeling is mutual. Their are romantic loves where you get butterflies and your stomach feels like all it has in is air whenever you see that person. And you can't get enough of them. The type of love where you want to make love to the 24 hours a day. Where you want to see them the minute you wake up and the second just before you fall asleep. Where even if they became fat, old, mentally or physically handicapped you would take care of them for as long as they lived. Where sometimes you love them so much that it hurts. You may get into arguments and even call eachother bad names, but in the end you always want to kiss and make up and tell the one you love that everything is going to be alright. Its the love that you keep leaving, but always go back to. The one that you accept all their faults even though they can seem impossible at times and just move forward. The one that you spend the most time and effort on more than anything else in your life. The one who can tell your secrets to and you know they wont tell anyone else. The one wheere you make faces, do little dances, and swear like a sailor and they just laugh or if your lucky join in on your silliness. The one who might even create a goofy language that only you and them can possibly understand. And whenever everyone else hears it they either freak out or begin barfing in their mouths. Thats the love thats the strongest. Thats the love that lasts the longest. And thats the love that I had.


Blogger mespeedracer said...

For me love is an deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person or thing . I would like to believe that there is only one kind of love. you ether love someone or something or you don't. Sure you can fall in and out of love. But love is hard. It the Hardest thing in the world to do. Its not free you must work hard everyday for love and even with all that hard work and loving Love will fuck everything up and make you hurt, cry and cause so much pain for days maybe even for years. It so hard to get over lost love. But the best thing about love is you can pick yourself up and go and find it again. Cleo Don't give up on love its out there maybe even closer than you think.

10:00 PM  

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