Thursday, April 01, 2010

The intentions of men and fear of intimacy

Last night I was working with L at the concession stand. A friendly father was making idle conversation with us and asked L what kind of guys she liked. I immediately went into fierce mother lion mode and answered for her. "None!", I said "she is 13!" L took her cue from me and put him on her weirdo radar and ignored him for the rest of the evening. I know that L likes boys, though she is hardly boy crazy in comparison to her peers but I find it very inapropriate for a man we hardly know to be asking her about such things. I am always suspect of the intentions of men when it comes to my daughter or any of my children for that matter.

I have been thinking about Cleo's dirty men blog and it reminds me that there once was a time when I had intimacy issues. I've never had an issue's with lovers that I have noticed, just in all other normal areas. If I shook someones hand I would be the first one to pull away. It wasn't a germ phobia or even something that I was consciously aware of until I had someone point it out to me. I have only very recently (like the last five years become comfortable with hugging those I love). This does not apply to my children, I am very affectionate with them. I still do not really like hugging people that I do not love. Of course I blame my parents for this. They were never spontaneously affectionate or it could have been that I am naturally just a cold person. Although I don't view myself that way.


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