Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Love drugs and chicken thighs

Lately I have been noticing how I am completely over that devil. So I've been wondering if I ever really loved him at all. I am not thinking about it so much, I guess it is kind of irrelevant. I had the weirdest dream last night.
There was a teenage boy and a girl both of them kind of homely and awkward and they were snuggled up next to each other in a car waiting for someone. They were talking about how they should just be friends even though it was rather nice holding hands. A woman got in the driver seat, she was going to drive them home. The smell of alcohol on her was strong and she was completely intoxicated. Her driving was scaring the kids, she stopped some where to score drugs and I yelled at the kids to get out of the car. I told them that walking was preferable to losing there lives. They listened to me. we began walking together, through darkened neighborhoods. The drunk bitch kept hounding them to get back in the car. She started walking with us, claiming that she was not drunk. I told her that she was wasting her life then she layed down on the sidewalk and I thought she was dead so I touched her and she started bitching again. I yelled at her, I said do you know the only difference between me and you? I love my family and you do not. The boy said she's just dead inside and so I picked her up and put her in my take out bag with my fried chicken. Apparently she shrunk a bit if she was small enough to fit in the bag. We kept walking. The sun came up and I we noticed a hungry boy following us. He asked if he could have a piece of chicken. I gave him a thigh. I remember thinking that he must be very hungry to ask complete strangers for food. The End ( I don't think I have any dreams that are not weird )

Go ahead try and find meaning in this one, I dare you.


Blogger AliceInWonderland said...

God, what an absolutely odd dream!

6:39 PM  
Blogger Yang said...

It's pretty par for the course for her dreams.
Hmm....let's see. You don't like drunks, but like fried chicken? Drunks are small people?

6:28 AM  

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