Thursday, July 22, 2010

Proceed with extreme caution

I did a backround check on an acquaintence lastnight, my daughter was sitting on the couch beside me. She asked me if I usually run the criminal history of all my friends. I guess friends was really the key word there, the friend category is not that big a pool.
As a rule no. The thought has rarely crossed my mind, however if I have a reason to I might. Generally these days I am quite cautious especially where my children are concerned. Not that a lack of criminal history means anything. It could just mean that you are very good at what you do. Mostly I rely on instinct and it has served me well except on the couple of occasions where I have behaved completely and utterly ignorant. In those cases there was something that was motivating me to ignore the reality of the situation.
Today I find myself examining my motives. Everyone has motives, be they innocent and just motives they remain. The word sounds sinister. I am one of the most selfish and self centered people that I know. That's a pretty big admission.


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