Sunday, March 21, 2004

But I like Corney, I want the story about the Squirrels

Nothing exciting to day. Sunday is the closest thing I get to a day off just 30 more units and its all day sunday at the beach. I may not get to go to china but Ican go to the beach. Getting new Swim Suit this year decided 4 years in the same one is being more than frugal enough. Celebrating the loss of 20 pounds - too bad I still need to lose 20 more and if I lose 38 more the husband has promised to take me danicing. He made this deal 20 pounds ago when I wasn't trying quite so hard - It was all a diabolical plan on my part, he says he is still not worried. :0) I feel for you Lydia with all those kids I think both you and Michelle are crazy. You two would like each other, There are a lot of similarities in your lives and views of the world. I have been wanting to pick a monthly cause to put up a donate button for and I think If no one objects we are going to request money for Lydia to get a day off. All of the rest of us are years beyond children with diapers and have probably had more sleep. We will ask for donations so she can have a night to herself - enough to pay for the babysitter and whatever else she wants. Then every month we can trade and see if we can get donations to whatever we need I think MIshy needs one for her trip to china. Maybe if I can figure out what donna and I want we can put up one for each of us and then we can all beg accordingly.


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