Just Wait 'Till Menopause Gets Home. . .
Lydia - Sounds to me like once again - you are normal! It doesn't sound as if you are ready to be classified as manic-depressive - just a normal woman, mother, wife. I, however, have come to the conclusion that menopause is the real "curse" and not our monthly period, as our mothers and grandmothers used to call it. Actually, I'm not mood swinging so much as mood sliding. I'm pretty happy almost all the time, but whatever my state of mind, I seem to cry every time the wind blows. (and in Kansas that's pretty much all the time) I must have done something awful in a past life and weeping tears of atonement for it in this one.
The carnival sounds like fun and I want to work the petting zoo! But not a good idea, as I would no doubt bring every animal home with me. One of the girls that works at the vet's office yesterday informed me she has a female Catahoula (that's what my much loved and much missed Digger was) she is trying to get rid of, and the dog is expecting a litter any day. I swore when I had Digger put to sleep there would be NO MORE dogs!! But....no - I didn't say yes, but I did get her phone number and it's all I can think about. When dropping hints to Darrel about it last night, it was made very clear that I could throw the number away. He's right of course - Keegan will start roaming the countryside again with another dog here, we've agreed to pare down on things that have to be worried about and taken care of every time we want to travel (although this does not seem to apply to the purchase of a new cow or calf every time he gets in the mood), and so on and so on. Yes - he's absolutely right (I hate when that happens!) but still, I WANT HER!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Apie - that sounds so scarey, but of course I expect nothing less of you than exactly what you did! Actually, I'm sure if you weren't in your condition you would have run out, wrestled him to the ground, and beat the ever loving crap out of him. I've always fully believed that everything happens for a reason, and here's proof - all that discomfort was so you could save your car! Maybe I'll send you a baseball bat to sleep with for a shower gift. If nothing else, you can use it to wake Michael up next time you need a knight in shining armour.
This is way too early for me to be typing, but sister called last night and asked me to work the lunch crowd today, so I am upright and functional (okay - semifunctional) much earlier than normal. At least they won't be drunk this time of day - which is probably not a good thing now that I think about it, as that means I have to at least appear to be semi-human.
Now that you've broken the ice, Apie, we expect to hear more from you!
Have a great one, everyone!
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