I've Fallen And I Don't Want To Get Up!
Ahhhhhhhhh! The blessed sound of nothing....Daughter and 2 grandkids left this a.m. after being here a week. God, I love them, but have become too damn selfish in my old age to enjoy them after 3 days. And too exhausted! Went to work when they left and didn't get home until 11:30 tonight. Have given hubby token sex and sent him off to slumber and am now enjoying my second glass of wine, in an attempt to counteract the massive amounts of caffeine I imbibed in all day to stay upright and smiling at customers. Lest you think I"m a total drunk, the doctor tells me that while large amounts of alcohol aren't good for the fibro, red wine at night will help with the insomnia that is a large part of fibromyalgia and CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dificiency Syndrome). I feel any time a doctor gives you permission to do something, it must be okay. (Okay - I don't really believe this, but it sounds good when I want a glass of wine.)
Okay - going to try to touch all bases I have missed while occupied trying to keep hyper 4 year old, spoiled rotten 8 month old, and anal retentive 29 year old happy. Sex - this is one area I can't complain about. While we have other "issues" at times, I am married to the horniest man in the world and sex is one subject you will never hear me complain about. Eleven years together and we have sex more nights than not. Most I enjoy - the others I just do the noises Brandy talked about. Darrel even occasionally takes on the stereotypical woman's role, when I am horny and he is not (which is not often) and lays there and lets me have my fun. (I think he was a woman once.)
Men and what they care about - I think it's universal - If it doesn't affect them, it either doesn't matter or just totally doesn't exist. In some cases this is a good thing - Darrel doesn't care if the house is clean or if there is food in the house. So, it doesn't matter if I clean or cook. (Unfortunately, the universal female "guilt" gene still works, so even though I know he really doesn't care, I am compelled to feel like I HAVE to take care of these things anyway.) Of course, most the time the "it doesn't affect me so it doesn't matter" attitude is a problem. When Derek was still at home he and his dad built a shop and it was their pride and joy. I would get so mad when I'd clean the whole house and then they would tramp through the house making a mess. After much bitching and complaining with no change, I waited until they had spent an entire Saturday cleaning and organizing their beloved shop. On Monday, while they were at work and school, I went out and "disorganized" the entire shop, being sure to drop lots of things on the floor and mess up every work counter they had. The affect wasn't long lasting, but the pooint was made. (And it felt good to give free rein to my childish impulses of mess making.)
Mishy - it's good to hear you are having fun and you are officially invited to the surprise birthday party I am throwing Darrel May 21st. (You all are, for that matter.) Carol is closing the bar and we are having a "private party." There will be karaoke and we will make Mishy the star attraction. Some of Darrel's old high school buddies are getting a stripper to surprise him with, so you may have to naked karaoke to earn that title.
Also, Mish - I am mailing you a box of books on Friday. At least that's the plan. I"ve had the box packed for weeks and really have intended to send it sooner, but life keeps getting in the way. Okay - I actually have a memory like a sieve and keep forgetting. I'll IM you Friday if I actually get it mailed.
Lydia - My daughter and her family just moved to Fort Riley in Junction City, so I'll be there lots! Let me know when you go.
I think that's it, except B - I did go to the G Spot link, as I always do what you tell me to do . . . eventually.
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