Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Smooth legs and Captain Hooks cats

I am glad that Mishy is having a life. I wish that I could sing. Well I can sing but then the dogs start to howl and that is a bit annoying. I'm drinking a glass of wine at the moment. I have not been sleeping well lately. I cannot seem to relax. I know that what ever phase in life this is that I am going through this too shall pass. I'm looking forward to soaking in my jet tub after the kids are in bed. I will shave my legs and put on lotion and you never know this could be my lucky night. I haven't been writing in my personal journal lately. Thats all right though I enjoy the feed back. Dona, my brother lives near Junction City. If I ever get that way which I'm very optimistic that I will. I would love to meet up with you. I feel like I know you a little already. I wish that Melisa would write something. I'm wondering how those kitties are doing. Every day on the way to drop my daughter at school I see a Mama cat sitting on a porch with her babies and I always think of Melisa. Also I drive past a street named Melisa each day. My father just got two black and grey tiger striped cats. He says they are very wild and all they do is hiss at him and cry. They are eight weeks old. He still has not seen the doctor about his thumb, he says that he has an apt. On Friday. I asked him to call me and let me know if he'll be needing a hook or not. (Like Captain Hook) He like myself has a some
what warped sense of humor.


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