BBC NEWS | England | Southern Counties | City demands 'anti-gay' music ban
BBC NEWS | England | Southern Counties | City demands 'anti-gay' music ban: "Brighton will be the first UK city to demand that music retailers ban reggae and rap albums with 'anti-gay' lyrics."
As hard as it is to say sometimes, because the people you seem to be supporting are generally dispicable. What they are doing in Brighton is wrong. It is censorship. I do not listen to any of these groups and would certainly never buy their products. Not only because I disagree with their sentiments but because I think their music sucks.
What bothers me with the idea of the ban is that it is another case of a basic non issue being taken to extremes and attempting to use bad law to solve the worlds problems. Retailers in Brighton if they have any brains at all are not marketing these groups to their customers, which means there are no prominant displays etc... to offend the town. So what is the point of the ban? And while I totally agree that the ideas promoted in the music are evil. There is a vast difference between listening to music and actually harming someone.
I do not believe that music incites anyone to violence that was not already predisposed to it and whether it is violence against homosexuals or straights it is wrong and they should lock them up and throw away the key. There is no seperation between hate crimes and other crimes in my mind. You rights stop at the tip of my nose and once you touch me its over. you have crossed a line and should be taken to jail for it.
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