I like to try and figure out what my dreams mean. Sometimes they are a bunch of crap, and sometimes I think that they mean something. After reading Brandy'd dream I though to myself that time just keeps moving forward. Probably too simple of an analysis. I had a pretty strange dream a few nights ago. I have probably forgotten many details by now but it is one like I've never had before. It doesn't seem to correlate with anything that I have watched read or seen recently or otherwise.
In the beginning of the dream I am driving a motorcycle on a freeway in California (the dream was before I found out about my Dad). I remember leaning back on the motorcycle and I knew that the bike would flip over if I did it but I did it anyway. I crashed into the concrete wall that enclosed the overpass. I thought I would be dead but I was not. My helmet was very crushed and I seemed to be scraped. I don't remember seeing any other cars. I called 911 on my cell phone and the operator said that no one would come because the freeway was closed because a man was threatening to kill himself by jumping off the overpass. I looked across the lanes and there he was surrounded by police and onlookers. I remember thinking that I wanted to talk to him. He looked at me, or maybe he was just looking at the police who were trying to dissuade him. Then he hopped over and met his demise. I remember trying to call home to my parents, and I just got thier message machine. The people that I was calling were not my actual parents though. There voices were different but in the dream I thought they were my parents. I then remember being on an escalator type thing with alot of other people that were leaving the freeway also. By alot I means crowds. At the end of the escalator ride I come to a city that I am not familiar with, seemed like a downtown area and I stopped a blonde boy with spikey hair but he just took my wallet and ran. I chased him to this building that had a club upstairs I didn't enter the building after him because at that moment I had dejavu and remembered that he had robbed me before. I yelled at him that I needed my wallet and that I would buy him a meal if he would give it back to me. He and I went to this greasy spoon and there were alot of young people there. The boy seemed like he liked me so I asked him why he stole my wallet and I can't remember if he answered me. I paid for his meal and his last meal that he had eaten there without paying. I kept trying to call home but I wasn't getting through. I had the feeling that I wasn't going to get home and I didn't like it very much. I don't remember anything else except for that I have been in the club the boy was going to go into in another dream. I wasn't suppose to be in there. It is very dark in there and there are drug dealers in there but I wanted to be there last time I went.
Pretty freaky stuff!
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