Friday, July 31, 2009

The philosophy of Dotty or Expect Assholes

I may have blogged about this already or once upon a time. Cristal's moms guide to a happy life was to expect assholes, then when ever so often a kind soul appeared it would be a pleasant surprise. I myself tried this philosophy and I have to tell you it really doesn't work. If you expect assholes, you'll get assholes and the word will get around and pretty soon all the assholes within a 100 mile radius will be showing up to share their life with you. I ditched her method and went with my own which was expect people to act human but most of them just kept acting like assholes. So I rationalized that if I expected assholes then at least I would know they were coming. I would get what I was expecting and that could atleast be gratifying. So I went to work today and expected the assholes to show up and didn't find a one. My coworkers were helpful, little children waved at me from the back seats of cars. I saw a mother bird on top of a car feeding her baby. I noticed that the color blue is even more lovely than it was a month ago. Then I came home and found my husband in bed, no one had eaten all day. Apparently he had gotten up once to read and call me because it was an emergency because he needed ice and drinks. This was at 10 am, yeah the man waited til 2 o'clock rather than go to the store himself. I am reluctant to do any bitching in light of recent evil Ying events but I just couldn't let the failure to feed the 5 year old breakfast or lunch slide. I said hey if you don't want to feed Roo just ask L to and she will do it. His shitty little remark was, don't you all take care of each other when I'm gone. Translation, don't expect me to do anything ever. Normally when K is gone if I am at work Lindy will feed the boys.


Blogger Yang said...

Dona's version of the Philosophy of Dotty: All men are assholes, just accept it and then you just have to find one who is an asshole in a way you can live with. (I'm sure men would say the same about women.)

7:01 PM  

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