Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Sooo…. I decided for a change to not announce any of my blogging and to just write. I will avoid subjects such as romantic love, and SEX as we all know that is a sore subject for me.
  I have decided to write about my employer as I work a bit more than anything else and she is damn funny among other things but at the moment I am uninspired. I suspect this blog will fall victim to the drafts  pile, I have no memory or recollection of recording any of this. But... I suppose  it was me. So.. I have just inhaled one third a bottle of rum so I suppose this is drunk blogging. My life is interesting, in MY opinion anyway. I HAVE NOT HAD SEX IN 6 MONTHS AND IT'S POSSIBlE THAT I MAY DIE. No not really but the object of my affection is either  gay, asexual or completely repulsed by me and I am afraid it is probably the latter. Such is life. Not bragging but I could be with any number of men except for the one that I desire. How fucked is that. I'm laughing a little and dying a little. There is a point that I will give up on it all and I am very close to that point. I am a dismal failure in most relationships and in this one also apparently. I have tried.


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