Sunday, January 25, 2004

Puzzling isn't it.

I agree Mish, I haven't been doing my paragraph a day either. It is very hard or I am just very lazy but life seems to get in the way. I wake up every morning with all these new ideas running through my head. Things I am going to do, new books to write, web pages to work on and somehow something always manages to come up and I accomplish nothing. I am very good at nothing. One of my other problems lately is puzzles. My daughter and her boy gave me a cool Wizard puzzle for Christmas and it has been my downfall. What started with wanting just one puzzle because I hadn't done one in years has now become 4 different puzzles in the last 4 weeks. Just today I spent 5 hours working on this incredible fairy puzzle (which I am sending to Dona when I am done so it can torment her too. ) Husband is beginning to think I have gone insane, as I keep choosing harder and more annoying (as he calls them) puzzles. I pick them for the picture, just because one was a 1000 little itty bitty pieces of snowy trees doesn't mean it was pretty when it was done.

I am not sure what it is about puzzles that attracts me. Could be the fact that they are the one place in life where I can make everything fit. But it is also soothing to sit and stare at edges and patterns and take meaningless colorful blurs and watch how they grow into a recognizable form. Kinda like raising children but cheaper.

After a month of doing them non stop I have decided that life is like a puzzle. Things happen daily which seem to have no relevance to my life, changes, disasters, happy and peaceful moments, things that just a month or year ago that I would have never considered are now foremost in my thoughts. The changes that we make in life, who we love, where we live, what we want to be when we grow up, How we respond to the world around us. Things that seemed so unfair at the times that they happen but made perfect sense 10 years down the road. All of these things are the pieces to my life and I can only hope that at the end of my days the picture is complete and worth the effort it took to put it all together., and of course that I have not lost any of the pieces under the table while I was working on it.:0)

In the meantime I am going to enjoy fitting the pieces together and having one thing I know I can accomplish. I am not buying anymore, I promise, (at least not until I finish the current one)


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